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How to send and receive an encrypted email

Assuming you've already downloaded the software for your device and followed the easy built-in set up instructions, here is how to send and receive an encrypted email.

We're using a Gmail account but it works the same exact way with any email address.

We're also using Safari on a MacBook Pro, but the process is identical on any browser on Mac or Windows, as well as our iOS, iPad, and Android mobile apps.


From INBOX, click COMPOSE button and the New Message window will open.

NOTE: We are sending this message to our mailbox which is NOT enrolled in SecureMyEmail so you can see what it looks like to send to a recipient that is NOT using SecureMyEmail. This will be the likely case with most people you send email to.

Again, one of the main benefits of SecureMyEmail is that recipients do NOT need to use SecureMyEmail to receive and reply to encrypted messages and their replies will be encrypted, including all attachments.



When you click the SEND button, you will see two encryption options: (Send Encrypted and Send Encrypted+).

NOTE: If you are sending to another SecureMyEmail user, the email will immediately send as both sides already have encryption set up through us. The recipient will need to use their SecureMyEmail software or apps to decrypt and reply. If you are ending to a mix of SecureMyEmail users and non-users, the software will automatically send them using the correct method.

Again, if your recipient(s) are non-users of SecureMYEmail, you will see the following options:

SEND ENCRYPTED - just select an expiration date (one hour up to 30 days) and send it. Ok. You're done. :)

No password, key exchange, download, or registration is required by the recipient(s). Just wait for their reply.

NOTE: Even though we forever delete the message from our servers upon expiration, you will always retain an encrypted copy of the email in your SENT and ENCRYPTED folders if you ever need to review or resend.


SEND ENCRYPTED+ - This method utilizes symmetrical encryption using the renowned ChaCha20-Poly1305 cipher suite.

This option also requires the recipient to know a password to decrypt the email.

You will create and enter this password as shown below and then send it to your recipient via text, phone, or just use the optional HINT field so they can deduce it themselves.

After that, just choose expiration time, and SEND. That's it.

NOTE: Although this method is overkill for most situations, it does ensure absolute zero-knowledge end-to-end encryption. In fact, even if your recipient's email account or provider is hacked, the email and attachments are encrypted and inaccessible without the additional password. The hackers won't have this password so they cannot access the email. ;-)



Your recipient will just receive a regular email. We do add "(encrypted)" to the subject to be fancy and help the email stand out a bit more.


When they click "Unlock Message" this will verify they are the owner of the email account, a browser window will open, and we will thank them. They only need to do this once. If you continue the conversation, they do NOT have to verify again.

NOTE: If you sent with a password, they do NOT have to verify their email and they will have immediate access to the email once they enter the password.


If you sent without a password, they will then receive a second email. In this email, we add "(verified)" to the subject to help it stand out.

Verification Message Email.webp

When they click "View Secure Message" we open an encrypted tunnel from their device to our secure web interface where they read the message. If there are attachments, they can securely download them here too.

Secure Message Interface.webp

They can then reply and we will encrypt the email and send back to you.

Secure Message Encrypted Reply.webp

Your Secure Reply Was Sent.webp


The email is highlighted in the SecureMyEmail software with a padlock to show it is encrypted. You can now reply, delete, or save the message. You will also retain a secure copy in your SENT and ENCRYPTED folders.

NOTE: You will see encrypted messages in any email client/webmail that you use, but you will only be able to read and reply to encrypted emails in your SecureMyEmail software or mobile apps.


Encrypted Message Received Expanded.webp

That's it!